Who are we
The Latvian authors' society AKKA/LAA (Autortiesību un komunicēšanās konsultāciju aģentūra/Latvijas Autoru apvienība – the Copyright and Communication Consulting Agency /Latvian Authors Association) brings together diverse authors who collectively implement the management of their economic rights, creating effective cooperation between authors and the users of their works in order to give users a convenient way to legal use of copyrighted works and simplify the authors’ receipt of royalties. The society is a nongovernmental organization. Its operation is managed by the Council elected by the authors themselves.
The society is working according to the Law on the Collective Management of Copyright.
AKKA/LAA is a multi-repertory rights management organization representing musical, literary, dramatic, visual and audiovisual repertoires. More than 6 500 authors in Latvia are represented.
AKKA/LAA is a member of the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) and the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers (GESAC). AKKA/LAA represents the interests of foreign authors on the basis of reciprocal representation agreements that have been concluded with more than 130 foreign organizations for the protection of copyrights.
AKKA/LAA administrates copyrights on a collective basis in the following cases of the use of copyrighted works:
publication, public performance, reproduction, broadcast and retransmission, and making available on the Internet of musical works,
publication, public performance, reproduction, broadcast and retransmission, and making available on the Internet of literary works,
publication, public performance, reproduction, broadcast and retransmission, and making available on the Internet of dramatic, dramatico-musical and choreographic works,
publication, reproduction, display, broadcasting and retransmission, and making available on the Internet of visual works,
reproduction, public performance, broadcast and retransmission, and making available on the Internet of audiovisual works.
collects blank tape levy for the use of equipment and materials used in reproduction and distributes these receipts between copyright holders and the holders of related rights,
distributes remuneration for public lending right,
administrates the resale right of visual works.